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(2023) (Exhibition)

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers
12.08 - 24.09.2023


We constantly endeavor to establish our position, validating our significance. Our comprehension of the 'self' is often contingent on the perception of the ‚other.' The self is always attempting to justify its existence. We continually create objects and employ them to demonstrate the subject's existence or to realize the subject through object creation.

Between you and me, among you and us, within social classes, friendships, marriages, religions, races, political parties, nations, ideologies, psychological states, and social institutions—all are material and immaterial forms that reflect both our sense of self and our quest for it. We touch, taste, observe, and listen to the world around us, attempting to envision the abstract self by absorbing and reshaping it through our own perspective. Thus, we craft reflections.

The contemporary social context is defined by an abundance of historical information, intricate social structures, shifting economic patterns and political relationships, and rapid technological advancements. These factors contribute to further intricacies and diversity within the 'echo wall’. Simultaneously, these factors inspire artists to experiment, test, investigate, criticize, reflect, explore relationships, and either alter existing objects or craft new ones.

Creating art also requires an understanding of "reflections" and "past habits", familiarity with materials, phenomena, and objects, interdisciplinary imagination, rearrangement of conceptual structures, and the use of visual means to create "objects" in an original language.

This exhibition invites 16 artists from diverse backgrounds who use various media, such as objects, images, texts, and sound effects, to explore their self-symbiotic and self-confrontational relationships and invite the viewers to enter the artists' personal mirror world.
